Meet Kelly
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🐚 Certified LWISSD Master Teacher of Psychic-Mediumship
🐚 Certified LWISSD Spiritual Advisor / Advanced Psychic
🐚 Certified Reiki Master Teacher
🐚 Certified Master Practitioner of NLP
🐚 Certified Master Practitioner of MER® ( Mental Emotional Release® Therapy)
🐚 Co-Author of two books Natural & Organic Healing: Your Ultimate Guide to Health & Wellness and Kindness Crusader
🐚 Host of weekly shows & podcasts: The Psychic Hour & The Numerology Hour
Hello, my name is Kelly Brickel. I am a Numerologist, Certified Psychic Medium (LWISSD), Healer (Reiki Master Teacher), Mentor and Author with over 10 years of professional experience and love of this work.
I believe that encouragement and support in the Spiritual, Mental, and Emotional spheres are vital to the soul, just as one goes to the gym to maintain their physical state of being. Whether your experience is through a reading, healing, class, or event - I believe that the discovery of what is possible is truly a heart opening event. The potential of Spirit, Vibrational Energy and our own unique soul’s expansion is like an endless spiral expressing its exquisite beauty. May we all journey with curious wonder!
I am passionate and happy to have a balance of spiritual events and services that I can share with those who are in need or developing their own skills. I offer Readings (Numerology, Psychic and Mediumship), Healings (Reiki & Chakra Balancing), Intuitive Development, (Psychic-Mediumship/ Healing and Numerology Mentorships, Meditation Classes and Reiki Certifications) as well as other in-person and online events monthly.
Speaking and teaching about the wonders and philosophy of energy gets me up in the morning!
You can catch me weekly on both of my Live Shows & Podcasts: The Psychic Hour and The Numerology Hour Radio every Wednesday & Friday @ 1:00 PM PST.
🐚 Certified LWISSD Master Teacher of Psychic-Mediumship
🐚 Certified LWISSD Spiritual Advisor / Advanced Psychic
🐚 Certified Reiki Master Teacher
🐚 Certified Master Practitioner of NLP
🐚 Certified Master Practitioner of MER® ( Mental Emotional Release® Therapy)
🐚 Co-Author of two books Natural & Organic Healing: Your Ultimate Guide to Health & Wellness and Kindness Crusader
🐚 Host of weekly shows & podcasts: The Psychic Hour & The Numerology Hour
Watch Weekly The Psychic Hour Episodes
Certified LWISSD Master Teacher of Psychic-Mediumship
Certified LWISSD Spiritual Advisor / Advanced Psychic
Certified Reiki Master Teacher
Certified Master Practitioner of NLP
Certified Master Practitioner of NLP
Certified Master Practitioner of NLP
Certified Master Practitioner of NLP
Certified Master Practitioner of MER® ( Mental Emotional Release® Therapy)
Co-Author of two books released Nov 2019 (Natural & Organic Healing: Your Ultimate Guide to Health & Wellness and Kindness Crusader)
Host of radio show & podcast: The Psychic Hour